One cup of blueberries a day for heart health

Dec 27, 2022

In Issue 21 we took a deeper dive into the brain-boosting powers of anthocyanin-rich blueberries.

Here we highlight an AJCN most-cited clinical trial on the effect of blueberries on insulin resistance and cardiometabolic function in patients with metabolic syndrome (greater than three components i.e., impaired fasting glucose, hypertension, central adiposity, hypertriglyceridemia and low levels of HDL-C). 

The study was a 6-month double-blind RCT - the longest-duration study to date. Intervention product was an isocaloric and carbohydrate-matched, freeze-dried powder equivalent to either 1 cup blueberries, 1/2 cup blueberries or placebo.

Results revealed sustained and clinically relevant improvements in endothelial function, systematic arterial stiffness and HDL-C concentrations following a daily intake of one cup of blueberries. This resulted in a predictive reduction in CVD risk of 12-15%. Insulin resistance remained unchanged and insulin sensitivity was unaffected.

The authors note that anthocyanin intake profoundly affects gut microbial community structure leading to the improved biomarkers of cardiometabolic risk. Anthocyanins undergo extensive metabolism, most of which occurs in the lower intestine and serve as growth substrates for the gut microbiome.

Aiming to improve your patients cardiovascular health? One cup of blueberries daily is a simple and attainable message.

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